104 Union St, Plymouth, PL1 3HL, United Kingdom


Our team comprises seasoned professionals with years of experience in mobile app development, ensuring top-notch solutions tailored to your needs.

Innovative Solutions

We thrive on innovation, constantly exploring new technologies and methodologies to deliver cutting-edge mobile apps that stand out in the market.

Client-Centric Approach

Your satisfaction is our priority. We collaborate closely with you throughout the development process, ensuring your vision is realized to perfection.


Year of Experience

About Us

At Okra Development, we are passionate about turning ideas into reality. With a dedicated team of experts and a commitment to excellence, we specialize in crafting bespoke mobile applications that drive success for businesses of all sizes. From concept to deployment, we are your trusted partner every step of the way.

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Timely Delivery

We understand the importance of deadlines. With our efficient project management, we ensure on-time delivery without compromising quality.

Transparent Communication

Stay informed at every step of the way. We believe in transparent communication, keeping you updated on the progress of your project regularly.

Quality Assurance

Dedicated Team

Lattest Technology

Why Choosing Us!

Reasons to Choose Okra Development

At Okra Development, we take pride in our commitment to providing innovative mobile app solutions tailored to your unique business requirements. Here's why opting for us makes sense:

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Our Services

Services That We Offer For You


iOS App Development

Leverage the potential of iOS with our customized app development services tailored to your business needs.


Android App Development

Expand your reach with our personalized Android app development solutions crafted to elevate your brand.


Cross-Platform App Development

Simplify your development process and cut costs with our expertise in cross-platform app development.


UI/UX Design

Elevate user engagement and satisfaction with intuitive, visually captivating UI/UX design crafted by our experts.


App Maintenance & Support

Ensure seamless performance for your mobile app with our comprehensive maintenance and support services.


Web Development

With a deep understanding of the dynamic digital landscape, our experienced developers utilize cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices to bring your vision to life.


What Our Clients Say About Us!

Your satisfaction remains our top priority. We maintain open channels of communication throughout the development journey, ensuring that your input is valued and incorporated at every stage.